The Right Focus

So Solomon and the assembly inquired of him there. Solomon went up to the bronze altar before the Lord in the tent of meeting and offered a thousand burnt offerings on it.

That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”

2 Chronicles 1: 6-7

The Right Focus

Now, Lord God, let your promise to my father David be confirmed, for you have made me king over a people who are as numerous as the dust of the earth. 10 Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

In the above passage we see the amazing dedication and love that Solomon had for God. Here we see a king who was extremely strong and was prospering in whatever he did. Yet, his main devotion was set upon God.

Solomon’s extravagant sacrifice to God pleased Him so greatly that He appearing to him in his dream that very night. As God assured Solomon that he may ask of anything and it  will be granted to him, Solomon’s  interest were unselfish and had originated out of the concern he had for God’s people over whom God had appointed him as king.

We too can learn much from this passage this morning. Firstly we must understand that it pleases God when we in total devotion to God, offer our lives as an extravagant sacrifice to Him. Secondly God knows all our motives as He is able to see our hearts and the attitudes of our hearts. Therefore when we do not make the worldly matters the objective of our prayer and our sacrifices; but have our objectives set upon the kingdom of God and serving Him; God will equip us with all that is needed for it. To those who have a heart, like that of Solomon, God is also able to bless exceedingly abundantly even more than we can ever imagine.


Dear Lord, we come before Your presence in awe and worship. Give me a heart that is pure and true to serve You so that my life will be a sacrifice to please You.


Theo & Manju

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