Helping someone come to a saving knowledge of Christ is the greatest achievement possible.
Charles Stanley
Encourage one another
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
Ephesians 4:29
Barnabus was a great encourager and when Paul, formerly called Saul, tried to reconcile with the Church of Jerusalem after having persecuted many of its members before he became a Christian, Barnabas was at his side. The Jews in Jerusalem feared Paul and would not believe in his conversion. However Barnabas supported Paul by explaining how he had preached in Damascus and persuaded the leaders in Jerusalem of his transformation.
Barnabus being the encourager, was able to bring the good out of Paul by recognizing the call in his life and supporting him through a crucial time of Paul’s ministry.
Today there are many who need that encouragement and strength for someone to stand by them when the whole world is against them. When we see our own brothers or sisters fall short of the mark are we there to build them up rather than foul mouth them? Are we able to build them up with the word of God that is able to restore and rebuild?
Our race on earth can be compared to an athlete running a marathon. The event is not completed until such time we cross the finish line. The runner can often gets very tired and sometimes even want to quit and give up on the race. During these moments what can get him back on track is the cheers of encouragement from the audience. This will give the athlete a renewed strength to keep his focus on the goal and finish the race in victory.
There are many people around us who feel devalued and worthless because they are not connected to Christ Jesus. Encouraging and edifying them will help them see their worth in Jesus. Let us build people up and add value to their lives. Let us be encouraged this morning to encourage others to finish their race.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for this day, help me to see people through your eyes so that I may live to be an encourager who can help people to achieve their goals in You. Amen.
God bless you,
Theo & Manju