Rise Up and Walk

Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. Don’t be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and His will first in everything you do. Billy Graham

Rise Up and Walk

Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”

Acts 3:6


We may often wonder why similar miracles such as the one above do not happen in our lives today. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to give us revelation as we study this passage.


We see that the lame man was carried daily to the temple gate so that he could ask for alms from the people coming in and out of the temple. Since he could not walk, he had no choice but to depend on the mercy and compassion of others. His livelihood depended on him reaching out in the hope of receiving a coin.


So when he sees Peter and John coming towards him, he stretches out his hands in expectation of receiving but this time, no money was given. Instead, Peter fixed his eyes on the lame man and tells him, “Look at us.”  Peter wanted the lame man’s undivided attention because what they had to offer him was not earthly sustenance but supernatural healing through the authority and power of Jesus.
Like the lame man, we too could be seated outside the temple day after day, ritually asking the Lord for what will fulfil our basic needs but until we stop and give Him our total focus, only then can we receive the miraculous touch of the Holy Spirit that is able to heal our body, soul and spirit.


Having experienced the compassion, mercy and grace of the Lord, we cannot help but be like the lame man, “walking, leaping and praising God”. Acts 3:8
Dear Lord,

Thank You for today. I want to fix my eyes on You alone, to give You my undivided attention, so that I will be ready to receive all that You have for me. By Your Holy Spirit’s grace and power, I want to be healed and made whole, so that I can be a living witness for You, walking and leaping and praising God! Amen.


God bless you,

Theo and Manju

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