Dear All,
Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ, and seek to follow Him every day. Don’t be swayed by the false values and goals of this world, but put Christ and His will first in everything you do. Billy Graham
Outward Appearance
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7
When an employer requires a new employee, he interviews prospective candidates to find out who will be suitable for the job. The interview process will give the employer an idea of the person’s skills and ability but it will not reveal the nature of his heart. In the same way, when Samuel was asked to choose the next king of Israel, he assessed David’s brothers from a natural point of view and his assumption was that they would all qualify for the role but God knew that their hearts were not right.
Many of us do physical exercise to keep our body in good condition but how many of us spend time to ensure that our hearts are right with God? “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8
We may appear to be good stewards by doing right in the sight of man, but the Lord looks at our heart and our attitude behind everything we do. Is it pleasing to God? Or are we motivated by selfish ambition?
The most important thing for us is to keep our hearts right before Him. How do we do this? We have to open our heart to Him and be transparent before God and man.
Dear Lord,
I want to thank You for this day and ask You to give me the heart of David so that I will be able to serve You and not man. Amen.
God bless you.
Your obedient servants in Christ,
Theo and Manju